Next General PTSA meeting – Wednesday, February 12th, 5-6PM in the Cafeteria, followed by a presentation on the new Alumni Legacy Wall at our new campus. Participate on Zoom here.
All are welcome!
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE on Dec. 13th! Student volunteers, teachers, parents, alumni, etc!!
Donate to the Travis FAST Fund – click here. Your tax-deductible donation helps Travis High families facing emergency needs – and helps our students stay safely sheltered with the light on! Any amount helps.
- Support the Travis Tamalada!
Please donate today to support our Travis Tamalada! Just click here:
Have some of your best family memories been spent around a dining room table, laughing or crying while sharing stories across generations? Ours certainly have been, and we want to bring that same feeling to our kitchen for our students and their families. Please help us by sponsoring our annual Tamalada, an event we have planned and executed for over twenty years. In that time, we have made thousands of tamales with students and their families, all while recounting stories of their rich family traditions. We learn from each other and we all become family by the end of the event. Donations will be used to purchase tamale supplies. Thank you for your generous support!
Coming up
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The Travis Early College High School Parent Teacher and Student Association (Travis ECHS PTSA) is a registered non-profit organization comprised of a group of committed parents, teachers, staff, community members, and students who are dedicated to supporting the growth and health of Travis by providing events, programs, funds, and support.